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Thomas Unnasch


Dr Unnasch received his AB from Rutgers University and Ph.D from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology.  Following a postdoctoral fellowship at the Harvard School of Public Health, Dr. Unnasch began his independent career in 1985 as an Assistant Professor in the Division of Geographic Medicine at Case Western Reserve University.  In 1989, he became an Associate Professor in the Division of Geographic Medicine at the University of Alabama at Birmingham, where he was promoted to Professor in 1995.  He relocated his laboratory to USF in 2008, as a Professor in Global Health and Molecular Medicine and a State of Florida World Class Scholar.  In 2012, he was named Distinguished USF Health Professor and Chair of the Department of Global Health.  His laboratory has a wide-ranging interest in the study of vector borne diseases, including studies of the ecology of the human filarial parasite Onchocerca volvulus and arboviruses endemic to Florida (including West Nile Virus, Eastern Equine Encephalitis virus and Zika virus).  Dr. Unnasch is the author or co-author of 229 peer-reviewed articles, reviews and book chapters.





1. Graham SP, Chapman T, Hassan HK, White G, Guyer C, Unnasch TR. Serosurveillance of eastern equine encephalitis virus in amphibians and reptiles from Alabama, U.S.A. Am J Trop Med Hyg. 2012;86(3):540-4; PMCID: PMID: 22403333.

2.  Bingham A, Burkett-Cadena N, Hassan HK, McClure CJW, Unnasch TR. Field investigations of winter transmission of Eastern Equine Encephalitis virus in Florida. Am J Trop Med Hyg. 2014;91(4):685-93.

3. Vander Kelen P, Downs JA, Unnasch T, Stark L. A risk index model for predicting eastern equine encephalitis virus transmission to horses in Florida. Appl Geograph. 2014;48:79-86.

4.  Hassan HK, Bolcen S, Kubofcik J, Nutman TB, Eberhard ML, Middleton K, Wekesa JW, Ruedas G, Nelson KJ, Dubielzig R, De Lombaert M, Silverman B, Schorling JJ, Adler PH, Unnasch TR, Beeler ES. Isolation of Onchocerca lupi in dogs and black flies, California, USA. Emerg Infect Dis. 2015;21(5):789-96.

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